
Fast diet 4 days

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If you get to read this far, you probably still have not found the perfect diet for you. Arrangements to introduce you is very strict so that it is not recommended that all people with kidney or liver problems.

Fast diet 4 days

Now it is a question you may have noticed: all diets tell you exactly what and how to eat.
That's the problem in some diets. In short, I can tell you that here I give you the most valuable advice in the field both through articles. It is up to you. And this blog is perfect for you if you want to lose weight fast, effective and easy! Okay, back to our brief digression, I want to say that this diet is divided into 4 parts (hence the name Diet 4 days).

First day: eat any vegetables your heart desires and your cravings desired quantities.

The next day: You eat plenty of yogurt. In fact, this day only eat yogurt in the quantities they covet.

Third day: You will eat only meat. I know, I know licking his lips and looking forward. Likely reward day. There's no problem, trust and eat just as you well spades. Nothing more, nothing less.

Fourth day: eat only fruit today. E on fruit. After a busy day of feasting, now you recreate the abundant fruits. You can also eat many fruits you want. Success!

Three major advantages:

You can follow this diet very easy and wherever you are.

You will not suffer from hunger (from my own experience tell you that most fruits are nourishing)

Get cheap with this diet. In other words, all you need are some relatively cheap food.
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Tips for a good sleep - recommended for weight loss

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As we have mentioned in other articles and diet, it is important to rest and properly. A good sleep is closely related with people of any weight loss plan. In this article I will try to give you some tips for a good night's sleep.

- Do not watch television before bed. Like many people, you are probably used to the look at a movie or a show every night before bed. Paid little attention to this, and you will see how much you annoy sleep. Instead of watching TV, you can choose to read a book or magazine. This works wonders - especially fiction books that can help you forget about the day's events.

- Do not drink caffeine late hours. Coffee or tea rich in caffeine consumption in the afternoon, can remain active in the body until after 22 pm. It is preferable that last caffeinated beverages to be consumed at lunch.

- Avoid eating sugar before bed. Although sugar consumption is prohibited during a weight loss diet, it is important to know that it affects your sleep. Its consumption before bedtime can make you wake up in the middle of the night when sleep is sweeter.

- No more thinking about work or other problems before bedtime. Nothing is worse than a mind stuck at work before bed. Calculations and working papers sleep before you can add bad dreams or nightmares. Finish everything you work at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Make any choices regarding sleep, think it may be the missing link in your health regime. Try to follow the advice above and go to bed no later than 22 hours. This is very useful when you want to lose weight quickly and you will maintain general good health.
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Diet foods that contribute beneficial

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What foods contribute beneficial diet? Each food has a certain effect on weight loss diets. Some foods reduce hunger, others give a feeling of fullness, some are very low in calories while some stabilize metabolism. Let's find out what foods and how they contribute to weight loss.

- Apples and Pears: These fruits are rich in pectin, trace elements and vitamins causing a feeling of fullness. They are ideal to be used in diets for short snacks.
- Figs help the digestive system because it contains many important fiber. Are among the most important fruit that promotes weight loss.
- Peanuts contain more protein and thus help reduce appetite. In various diets are ideal for snacks or can be an ingredient in vegetable salads.
- Almonds are a real "deposit" of valuable substances. Contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, fiber and vitamins. Despite its high fat diets are recommended because these fats are not absorbed by the body.
- Cottage cheese fat can nourish the body and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time because it is rich in protein. These proteins are found in cheese are harder to digest and the body burns more calories (energy) for this.
- Fish is one of the foods best suited to follow a diet. Fish, has beneficial effects on thyroid, heart, body provides iodine and essential fatty acids and helps burn fat.
- Green tea is rich in nutrients and is recommended in many diets. To get the best effect it is recommended to drink at least 4 cups of unsweetened green tea daily.
- Spices spicy like horseradish, pepper and paprika have excellent properties due to energy production in the body which is useful in the fat burning process.
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Lose weight in a week with a super diet recommended by nutritionists

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Allow an interval of 15-30 minutes for each meal, remove rontaielile and fast food products, fried foods, mayonnaise sauces, stuffings.

Treated fruits like the sweets, limit yourself to one fruit per day. Be reasonable and eat without worrying about calorie content or Serving size: any lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fish, eggs, flour and cereals, rice, vegetables as many, all cooked as simple.

Do not stay away from broths and soups, tomato juice used as a basis for food, thrown out of the house all the "temptations" power.

The following plan may weaken at least 3 pounds in two weeks, but it all depends on the rules of the basis of any diet.

Monday: Morning: 1 slice bread + coffee + 1 omelette (1 egg + 1 slice of ham). Lunch: 200g grilled beef + 50 g of cooked pasta (with 1 tablespoon olive oil and spices). Dinner: 100 grams of smoked salmon (4 slices) + 4 + 1 slice melon salad without mayonnaise (1 tablespoon olive oil, vinegar and spices).

Tuesday: Breakfast: 1 coffee + 1 boiled egg + 1 natural yogurt (150 g) + 1 slice bread Lunch: Grilled chicken breast half 4-5 tablespoons + green beans + 1 cube butter (10 g) + 1 banana Small Dinner: 200 g chicken livers + 4 tablespoons of cooked rice with salt and spices + 1 cabbage salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil, vinegar and salt.

Wednesday: Breakfast: 1 coffee + 1 slice of bread + cream cheese + 1 red light. Lunch: 200g grilled beef baked potato + 1 + 1 + 1 fruit salad seasonal pickles. Dinner: 150 g smoked chicken breast pieces cut and put on one large assorted salad (lettuce 1 tomato + 1 cucumber + 2 + 1 + 2 tablespoons pepper olive oil, vinegar, salt).

Thursday: Breakfast: 1 coffee + 1 cup of milk with 1.5% fat + 1 slice of bread + 1 slice of lean ham. Lunch: 200g grilled pork + 4-5 tablespoons of cabbage (with tomato sauce, a little oil and salt) + 1 slice of bread. Dinner: 200 g cottage cheese + 2 tablespoons of cream with 12% fat + 4 tablespoons of polenta + 1 seasonal fruit.
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Cardio + diet = weight loss

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From the outset it must be said that the significant decrease in weight is not an easy thing to do, requiring a lot of willpower on your part to comply fully with required software. For fat loss recommend a combination of cardio and diet modification program.
Training will last 45-60 min. and will be conducted early in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, so that the best fat burn. Training will begin with a few slight warming and stretching exercises (stretching), which will not take more than 5-10 minutes. then you continue with the training part. To get the best results the exercises should be performed with high intensity, which is on the heart rate must be at least 65 percent of maximum heart rate (you can find your heart rate under "Tests" ). Most effective board devices are running, stationary bike and the treadmill. If you do not have access to a gym equipped with such devices can go cycling, running or walking in step march, the only downside being that you can not measure heart rate during exercise. For example, if a jogging approx. 10 km / h, you burn 10 to 15 calories / min., Depending on your body weight.
On diet will be low-calorie, which means you consume fewer calories than your daily need. For a real effect and rapid weight loss diet you should consume approx. 300-500 calories less than normocalorica diet daily (daily normocaloric it needs are all under the heading "Tests"). This reduction will be very easy to endure long periods of time, the effort required is minimal (you will not feel hungry). Avoid carbs because they are used as an energy source, in their absence from burning body fat deposits. You will need to follow a very strict diet, fat, sweets, salads based on raw, lean beef or fish, chicken etc.. Also, a weight loss supplement will be of great help.

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Three days diet rapid weight loss

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Although it is a short term diet that involves a small number of calories, three days has endured over time, has become increasingly popular and it seems that giving and results. Even if there is a healthy diet can be followed if necessary, for example when you prepare holiday and want to look your best in a bathing suit. The downside is that you will probably gain back lost weight, but at least get the desired results in a very short time.
Three day diet is simply a diet low in calories. There is no magic, no chemical reaction spectacular. That drops suddenly lose calories. And if you move something, the better.

Diet Plan

Day 1


Tea, coffee or water
 Half a grapefruit or the juice of half a grapefruit
 A slice of toast


 Half cup tuna
A slice of toast
Coffee, tea or water


100 grams of lean meat of any kind
A cup peas
A cup of carrots
A medium apple
A cup of ice

Day 2


 Water, coffee or tea
   An Egg
   A slice of toast
  A Banana


 A cup of tuna
 5 crackers
Coffee, tea or water


2 sausages
Half a cup of carrots
A Banana
A cup of broccoli or cabbage
Half a cup with ice
Tea, coffee or water

Day 3


Tea, coffee or water
5 crackers
30 grams cheese without salt
An apple


A hard boiled egg
A slice of toast
Tea, coffee or water


 A cup of tuna
A cup of carrots
A cup of cauliflower
A cup of watermelon
½ cup ice
Coffee, tea or water

Spices types are:

Lemon juice
Salt (very little) and pepper

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You can save money weaknesses?

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Weight loss brings a number of benefits. Besides helping you to stay away from diseases associated with excess weight, weight loss also means spending cuts. How can such a thing? It's easy! Over half of people who attend fast food restaurants are overweight because they consume it excessively rich foods 'empty' calories that do not provide any benefit body. On the contrary, they contain many fats and sugars while leading to diabetes and obesity.

They say a pound plus a year is less, but draws itself and more expenses. People who choose to eat in town frequently "throw" more money on food, unlike those who cook and eat at home. Also, weight accumulation, lead to the emergence of health problems, requiring in turn give more money on drugs. So, the easiest is to opt for a healthy lifestyle, which will only bring benefecii. With weight loss, reduce the risk of developing diseases and make substantial savings
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Do cardio before weight training

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Some like to shamelessly exploit a fundamental principle of training - that must always train by priority. After them, if weight loss is your main goal, for example, then cardio should be your main thing on which to focus, right? But this is a case where we sit priorities at the end.

Although cardio is the essence of productive if you do cardio after weight training is almost twice as efficient for burning fat. Studies of Japanese researchers recently determined that if you do weight training before cardio to burn significantly more fat than when only cardio.

In this study, a group that did only cardio to burn slightly more than 20% of total calories from fat, while the other group did cardio after weight training burned about 50% of total calories from fat . One reason for this striking difference is that the body turns to muscle glycogen during exercise with weights, which makes the fat to be the main source of energy when it comes among antranamentului cardio.

The best advice: Do cardio when it is most productive for you - after lifting weights. Try to enter 3-4 sessions of 20-30 minutes of cardio a week after the weights.
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How can you decrease the weight of home simple and will

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Everyone wants definitely a good body shape, flat stomach. For all this to turn into reality is to deposit an additional effort by doing exercises fizice.Multe people choose starvation diets, eventually reaching out of the plan breakfast or dinner food which is harmful for the body! Even if your weight will drop, this is due to dehydration and not burning calories even get to starting regular physical medic.Exercitii smoothly every day at least 30 min.Results real 100% after 60 days.
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Weight loss: Importance serving breakfast

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Morning most people just take a look in the kitchen. Generally it is believed that breakfast preparation requires precious time. There is sufficient evidence that because eating breakfast every day is an important part of losing weight. People skipped breakfast thinking that reducing calorie intake, but during the day, at noon or noon, these people are hungry. These people replacing their calories during the day unconsciously munching between lunch and dinner, and thus determining their own failure.
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Quick weight loss: how to do it safely

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I have often heard it: fad diets do not work, when it comes to permanent weight loss. Ok, but what about in those moments when we need to lose weight in a very short time? That makes it hard to get over "promises" they make diets like "Lemonade Diet" based diet cabbage soup or books like "Lose Weight 9 kg in 21 days" when your mission is to fit into a coat, a dress to feel good at a party, a reunion or other special event in your life.
The truth is that there's nothing wrong with that - as long as you do it correctly and safely.
In theory, a person could lose weight 9-10 pounds in a week following a very ambitious plan for feeding and exercise, dedicating more than 7 hours per week to rigorous exercise, and under the guidance of an instructor.

How to quickly lose those extra pounds?

Losing weight is a simple mathematical formula: You need to burn more calories than you eat. Experts generally recommend creating a deficit of 500 calories per day through a combination of eating fewer calories and increase physical activity. During a week, this would cause a loss of about 1-3 pounds. A good plan in this regard would be: 1050-1200 and an hour of exercise a day (but make not fall below the stated calorie health safety reasons). In this type of plan, you can expect to lose 1-3 kg in the first week or more for people who weigh over 100 pounds.
Those who follow such a program due to diet and lose 2 kilograms 1 kilogram of exercise, and maybe more if you have more fat to lose, because of how much fat you have more to lose, the faster you will lose it.
It is possible to lose more weight and your diet if you remove the salt and starch.
When you remove salt and starch diet, this leads to a reduction of body fluids and fluid retention, and therefore have to gain by losing up to 3 kg of fluid retained in the body once you've started an exercise plan.
Diets for quick weight loss.
When it comes to losing weight, calories are what matter most. Recommend cutting up to a level of 7-8 calories per pound of body weight consumption (which for a 90 kg person, for example, would be 1400 calories per day), but no less than 1050 calories day which is the lowest level that cutting calories can be done safely home. Specialized nutritionists usually recommend a minimum of 1200 calories per day.
Quick weight loss diet should not contain starch, sugar, animal fats and dairy products, but can result in fruit, vegetables, egg, soy products, skinless chicken breast, fish, crustaceans, nonfat dairy foods.
Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, Dawn Jckson, recommends:
Eat plenty of low-calorie vegetables because it helps you feel full
Drink plenty of water so you do not confuse hunger with thirst
Throw in the house all food-temptation
Stay busy to prevent eating out of boredom
Eat only at the table plate stand not watching TV
Always eat three meals and one snack daily - no skipping meals
Weigh yourself every day and watching food intake can help you stay focused on what you want to achieve. Even if you write down on a napkin that ends thrown, the act of note demonstrates responsibility and is a very effective tool for rapid weight loss.

Exercises for fast weight loss.

Even if you currently exercise for quick weight loss need to increase the intensity of exercise. In a study published in the "Archives of Internal Medicine" indicate that to lose weight it takes almost an hour of moderate exercise.
Cardio (treadmill, stepper, bike) burn the most calories, so are ideal for quick weight loss, but then you need to enter into your room and exercises to strengthen muscles. To burn as many calories after heating try to sweat doing cardio for an hour. May everyone can do an hour of exercise, but exercise intensity will depend on the current state of fitness of each. Experts recommend gradually increasing exercise intensity to avoid such accidents.
When you can not do cardio, we recommend a antranament to strengthen musculturii at least 2 times a week that work all muscle groups and 15,000 steps per day (take a pedometer to count).

Diets, fad diets and crash.

Many people do not have time to follow a rigorous exercise for rapid weight loss, why resort to fad or crash diets, diet. But beware, if a diet plan sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So do not direct your attention after plans containing pills, laxatives, starvation or "potions" that "promise" that you will lose more than 1-3 pounds a week.
The truth is that reduction below 1050 calories per day is cotraproductiva, because you need strong muscles to be able to exercise effectively.
When you eat too few calories you lose fat, but lose the firmness and muscle, which is the worst thing you can do, that slows metabolism and makes it difficult to increase program intensity or duration of exercise.

In conclusion, rapid weight loss can be done with a diet identical to that term only differing intensity exercise and not diet-fad. And starvation by cutting calories below 1050 calories are not recommended unless under medical supervision.
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How to lose weight up to 10 Kg

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Honestly now, I'm in the process of stabilizing and balancing diet and exercise. I try to live as healthy as possible even though my parents sent me home gorge on cakes (two in the fridge and I am tempted to die). The first rule of this would be to do cleaning frgider (throw everything cake, white bread, margarine, pastries, salami and stuff preforms). In addition to the first rule should be the golden rule of shopping: do not go shopping on an empty stomach again! If you do not believe me only a test, you'll see why buy when you're hungry and your brain screams "sugar, sugar, sugar" and when you think you can stomach happy and cool.

But now back to the primary idea, how to lose 10 kg (or somewhere in that area) ... There's no extraordinarily difficult nor too easy. The first thing you should do is to analyze your behavior daily (I know it sounds ancient but is not). Think of how much the portions you eat, the feeling you have when you leave the table at how much activity you do daily.

The basic steps in losing those few pounds that you grind it like this:

Try to reduce slowly meals you when you leave the table feeling like you want to walk your belly Tarai you're sick;
If you do not like the gym or do not have enough time to try a sport that you would fit (cycling, running morning in the park with the dog, etc.) do not have a sportsman, but put your blood moving and make your heart beat a little repejor. While you have to go to something more demanding but for now it is enough that;
For rontaitorii of bagels for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bagel you not hungry and did not come with necessary vitamins and minerals your body every day. So do not be surprised when you do not lose weight from diet pretzels
Eat healthy! Eat foods that you know what it means, not that the name of super chemicals in the supermarket! And remember, as many vegetables as possible!
Pay attention to the speed at which you eat! We are so absorbed worries that we forget to chew! Food should be savored, piece by piece!
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How to lose weight in the hips and tummy as the rest are ok?

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 How do I lose weight?

Cardio include any activity that increases your pulse to card rather than the level at which you will be able to share a conversation with someone without being forced to pant for air and maintain that pace for a longer period of time. Number of fat burned your heart rate intensity. Ideally, you should do 60 minutes of cardio at moderate intensity than 40 minutes at high intensity.
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Diet with boiling water

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This diet is a continuing debate among nutritionists. Boiling water gives amazing results in a diet, but boiling lead to lack of calcium and minerals, which causes cardiovascular disease, according to surveys conducted in Japan and the U.S..
pa boiled detoxify and cleanse the body. To start a diet with distilled water should you drink on an empty stomach at least 2 cups per day. You should not do this "treatment" more than two weeks. Boil evening more than half a liter of water (2-3 boiled) and leave the pot boil, until the next morning.
Meanwhile in the detoxified your body, you have to consider replacing fat with vegetable products, namely, butter, margarine, fat with oil.
Scenario in which you will use distilled water for a long time is this, purified water will cause mineral deficiencies multiple, even if you supplement with minerals.
However, more than 95% of the body's minerals from foods, not from the water, so this practice can have a significant effect on fitness.
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How does drinking water help you lose weigh?

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There was a long period of time that was rooted belief that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day. Current research shows that things are not so. Thus, scientists have concluded that only we can decide what is sufficient, the optimal amount of water consumed daily is relative, depending on individual preferences.
In other news, it is important to know that in many beverages that are found in trade and beyond, it would be preferable to choose water. It is clean, refreshing and contains no calories.

How much water do we need?
Recommendation is recognized worldwide for 11 cups per day for women and 15 cups daily for men. What should be stressed is that it includes the total amount of fluids that accumulate during the day, given that 20% comes from food. Thus, the RDA for women is somewhere around 9 cups of water. There are foods that contain lots of water, which provides the body with a good portion of the RDA. Here are some examples:

salad -> 95%
Watermelon -> 92%
broccoli -> 91%
Grapefruit -> 91%
milk -> 89%
orange juice -> 88%
carrot -> 87%
yogurt -> 85%
March -> 84%

When you need more?
When you have intense physical activity when conditions are subjected to extreme heat or high humidity. In all these cases, to avoid dehydration, you should always have handy water bottle. Other situations that require more moisture than usual are states caused by temperature, excessive sweating, frequent urination or diarrhea.

When is too much?
Until now, there were no cases of water intoxication. It's never too much, as long as you keep a balance between thirst and satisfy it. Trust your instincts, and you will not fail. Drink water whenever you feel the need, and there are no problems.

Water and weight loss
For some time now, water has become the recommendation addressed to women aiming to lose weight. However, we already know that water does not satisfy your hunger, but thirst. And as hunger and thirst are two mechanisms regular sensations totally different, it is easy to understand why the water comes to weight loss. A recent study in America proove effects of water consumed during lunch has on the human body, so it seems that those who drink water during and after eating, absorbs fewer calories than those who do not drink water, but other beverages during meals.

Although water is not in itself an active role in the process of losing weight, she still performs a direct role if replacing soft drinks and alcoholic ones. Also, the water found in fruits and vegetables is important for dieters because it gives fullness. In this sense, it is good to know that vegetable juice is more nourishing than cooked vegetables themselves. The main benefit is that so, who you diet, eat less food, and drink more water.

Involvement of water in your diet:
* Water-rich foods tend to appear larger, their appearance is appealing, especially for us matters a lot the way they look what we eat.

* Large amount of these foods requires high oral stimulation, which which shows a better state of oral appliance and improved hygiene.

* When the water is associated with food or alternated or embedded, it slows intestinal absorption. This means that the food last longer in the stomach, and thus delay the onset of hunger.

* The more you eat, the more effectively lose weight. Vegetables and fruits rich in water could hold the secret to losing weight, quickly and safely. Eats saturated and lose weight.

- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water
- Drink plenty of fluids low in calories, such as skimmed milk, tea, juices, and of course, water
- Always pay attention to any signs of dehydration such as dry mouth and concentrated urine.
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Lose 3 kg in a week

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To lose 3 kg in a week seems a bit, but if you ever get rid of those extra pounds, not so tempting? The biggest annoyance is that diets after weight-loss program ends in a few weeks, recover weight that you missed.


If your diet is full and complex, if you will starve and prove some of the outcomes of diets you can enjoy for a long time. Ideally, most of the instructions in the diet to keep them as a lifestyle, because the only way you can keep the weight at a constant level.

Jump rope for two minutes, every day. If you do these exercises in the morning you'll have a great start and the body will be accelerated burning all day. Add to hopping two minutes, ten pushups and ten squats. It is not much, but if you make every day have a very effective fitness program that will your model, as within a couple of months, and ass, and legs, and arms. However, you have nothing to lose.

Includes three food diet which result in body fat mobilization date. Fatty fish, high fiber foods, green vegetables. Fatty fish is herring, sardines, salmon. Fibers are found in whole grains, the best being full oats and rye. Regarding the list is long green vegetables: asparagus, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, zucchini, green beans, cabbage.

Eat foods rich in protein: chicken, turkey and rabbit. Menu always includes beans, lentils, mushrooms and soy derivatives.

Body can not process chemical sweeteners, so you pack into fat and stored them.
Forget any products that that says "fat free" and "sugar free". Are all processed foods full of additives that reduce the metabolism and burns fool you. The exception is only skimmed milk. Choose iautul plain full-fat look at who has all kinds of extras that make it palatable. Body can not process chemical sweeteners, so you pack into fat and stored them. Consumption of beverages or food so-called "sugar-free" are the foundation colaceilor. Not to mention that fuels the growth of cellulite.
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One day diet - not a joke

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Diet one day is not a joke. It is one of the useful solutions that can help you maintain a beautiful figure without diet obey the canons long term. Diet one day is not a solution in itself, but if you apply this method consistently every week. This is the great secret of the diet for a day. Respect them, one day each week.


Diet is very useful one day after moments when you made dietary excesses. It is, if you want the equivalent pill the next day. A day diet is a diet low in fat, calorie, completely excluding salt intake and to be necessarily associated with a fitness session for at least an hour. For a day diet is desirable calorie intake should not exceed 1,200. In this way achieve a rebalancing calories, which is a guarantee silhouette. This diet fast diets fall into the category, but is also an exceptional maintenance diet.

A day diet has several advantages. Observed consistently has the ability to activate the internal combustion so that the beneficial effects of diet and weight loss do not occur strictly in the day, but the next two days. Condition is to follow a healthy diet, not threshold to 2000-2200 calories.

Diet one day is a day of fasting. It turned out that one day you do not lose weight eating nothing less than one day they meet the dietary food plan for the day. The explanation is simple. Immediately notifies the lack of nutrients and metabolism automatically slows its activities and offerings. A healthy intake of nutrients thee of hunger and help you lose weight healthily.

Diet food plan for the day, adapted from Good Housekeeping, must include three main meals and two snacks as classic ritual of any healthy diet. Breakfast should contain a grapefruit, 75 grams of whole grains and a cup of skim milk. Snack at 10.00 is an apple and two nuts. Lunch should contain a piece of lean meat or grilled fish, no more than 150-200 grams, and a serving of green beans (200 grams) cooked by steaming. Use lemon juice to no more than one teaspoon of olive oil and herbs. Do not use salt at all. Dessert instead of half a grapefruit or pineapple slice.

Afternoon snack is plain, low-fat and a fruit (a small apple or half a grapefruit) and dinner should include green vegetables (200 grams), 100 grams of boiled carrots, boiled egg, a teaspoon of oil and a glass of skim milk. Can you add two nuts and a slice of pineapple. Season vegetables with pepper, herbs or use lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Ban the use of salt remains. Milk can be replaced with simple yogurt.

During the day, they meet a day diet, you should drink at least two liters of liquid.

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Diet during breastfeeding

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New moms, do not even think about weight loss in the first 6 months after birth. Listen to your body requirements. Eat only when you are hungry and try to always eat fresh and healthy food. And drink plenty of fluids - at least 2 liters daily.
Rather than worry about what you should not eat, choose carefully what you eat: food as nutritious. The goal is to burn fat while maintaining your health.
Calories are important, but they are not everything in the safe weight loss. Use your caloric needs as the starting point in planning a good and healthy diet.
Nutritionists recommend that we distribute calories as follows: Protein: up to 20%, carbohydrates: at least 50% fat: no more than 30%. There are very good books and a table that illustrates the possibilities we build a balanced menu.
Mothers are reminded that at 2300 calories per day, calcium intake may be too low, so it is important to choose foods high in calcium green vegetables, cheese, tofu, canned salmon with bones. If you decide to follow a diet of 1800-2200 calories / day, you must choose very very good foods to meet nutritional needs.
Finally, physical is the final piece of the puzzle. Stimulates weight loss and makes you feel full of energy and very happy with the changes that happen in your body If you lead a sedentary lifestyle before having children, start exercising gradually and slowly advanced.
Try to reserve time for sports 3 times a week - swimming, walking, cycling, aerobics, dancing, jogging.
Do not make too much effort in a warm and humid or if you have fever
Avoid pendulum movements and sudden changes of direction
Exercise on a wooden floor or carpet, to reduce the risk of concussions. Do not forget to warm up before exercise difficult, with 5 minutes of walking or cycling.
Finish with some light exercises for relaxation
Check your pulse
Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Wear a good bra to prevent mastitis
To find the time and motivation for weight loss, try these strategies:
Set a weekly meeting where it will build the menu for next week and change impressions and encouragement with other new mothers
organized together with other moms a surveillance program, so some of you to enjoy a game of tennis, while children are in a park nearby, in care of the other mothers in the group. Or attend a club which provides supervision your child while swimming or aerobics attend a lesson.
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Four aspects of weight loss

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You feel bitter whenever your friends order dessert weak. Blame yourself after you lose an hour of exercise a chocolate cake. Removing extra weight should make you healthier and happier, but it always happens.

In fact, according to a recent study, diet can actually determine chronic stress. Here you will find four signs showing you the risk to suffer from anxiety induced by diet plus simple remedies that help you lose weight without losing your mind.

I feel the blame for giving in lust

Mark: you "whip" mentally every time yield of lust.

Cause: You have unrealistic goals. Did you set expectations too high - trying to lose 10 kg in a month or promise not eat chocolate again - and you're ready to make a mistake often what makes you feel defeated and hopeless.

Remedy: Make so as to be as easy as possible to have regular small successes suggest a clinical psychologist. For example, setting a goal to lose 5 kg before meeting with school colleagues gives you one chance to succeed. On the other hand, setting your goals as avoiding machine at the office, or choosing the stairs instead of the elevator, offers opportunities to congratulate you every day. Bonus: Focus on successful builds confidence. Research shows that with how you think more than you can lose weight, the more it is possible to lose weight really soon.

Stress-free control

Sign: Despite a normal workload at work, your stress level is up over head.

Reason: Loneliness. In a recent study, those receiving a diet without social support from an organized group showed stress hormone levels significantly higher than those assigned to a group weight loss program. Lack of guidance as well as lack of empathy, are most likely responsible for these results, concluded lead author of the study.

Remedy: commercial programs such as Weight Watchers or eDiets offer sound nutrition advice and a feeling that all are together in the same situation. But already belong to groups which may also help: one study found that individuals who participated in a program of nutrition and exercise church weakened 3.5 kg, while those who remained alone have gained 2 kg . Gather your family and friends around you to be supporters team. Emphasizes how important it is for you to make these lifestyle changes, and give specific examples of what kind of encouragement would help not said clinical coordinator. Addressed compliments your figure improved: very helpful. Looks daunting when you want an extra serving: not much help.

Anger, tension and "Atkins attitude"

Mark: You wake up as stinging remarks throw friends, colleagues and even strangers for the smallest mistakes.

Reason: stinginess with basic nutrients. Drastically cutting carbohydrates can lead to problems such as anger, tension and depression - a side effect that some researchers have called the "Atkins attitude". Sweet body needs to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood, emotion, sleep and appetite. When significant reduction of carbohydrate intake, the body produces less serotonin, and it becomes difficult to be patient and control your anger. Other deficiencies that may affect mental health include lack of omega-3 fatty acids, which may result in the reduction of high-fat diet foods like nuts, fish, oil, and may contribute to depression. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 and B12 as well as folate, have also been linked to depression and mood changes.

Remedy: Take a snack high in carbohydrates like grain bread toast or cornflakes, whose purpose at least 130 grams of carbohydrates per day, the minimum necessary for the optimal functioning of the brain. Two servings of fatty fish per week plus a handful of nuts a day will provide plenty of omega-3. Take a multivitamin as insurance against other impairments.

Constant temptation, no satisfaction

Sign:'s temptations everywhere.

Cause: You make temporary changes instead of adopting healthy habits permanent. A diet is having silently end (eg, "only two more weeks of carrots and I am a free woman!") Focuses your attention on what you can not have everything, making you feel deprived. Every time you start a new diet, it is a shock to the entire system followed by several months of agony.

Remedy: gradually incorporates small changes in your lifestyle that will remain forever. The decision to replace fries with a fruit afternoon from now is not nearly as traumatic as prohibiting any form of bread. Instead of making your food list that will prohibit them to cut the calories, focus on what you add diet to remain unsatisfied and improve your health. For example, buy fresh kiwi and two after dinner eating normally when you eat ice cream, you lose 5 kg in six months-without bursts into tears every time I pass by the cafeteria. It is easier to get used to small changes, so while you will not feel like you're "on a diet".
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Eleven tips as you lose weight easier

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Are you tired starve yourself and to keep complicated diets do nothing but give you body over your head? Your physical exercises have a rigorous program? You lose calories on your plate?

Should not scare you! Even if you give up dieting, starvation and exercise on the piss, does not mean that you will live all my life in fear of getting fat! There are solutions easy to follow, you can easily include in your daily schedule!

1. Quit unfounded obsessions!

The more obsessed with the idea that you need to lose weight at any price, the harder it will get rid of extra pounds! Autosuggestion and psyche plays a very important role in your success. From the moment I will love you as you are, your body will react positively and will help in the fight controlled by weight.

2. Eat little and often!

I think you often hear this advice, but you and followed? First, do not ever jump over breakfast! Eat at least one apple, one slice of toast and tea or some crackers. The idea is not to leave the house in the morning on an empty stomach. Otherwise, you will hit a starving before the first meal of the day and you will not do anything but eat and craving more!

3. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day!

It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, at least 8 glasses a day. When the body is well hydrated, its metabolism will function properly. An effective way to fight with weight is to drink a cup of green tea 30 minutes before eating, because green tea has the ability to "melt" fat.

4. Do not starve!

One of the biggest mistakes they make women want to lose weight is to starve. Infomentandu you, you do nothing but obey the body of unnecessary stress and to defend, he will not react exactly as you want, that will store "carefully" every extra calorie. Moreover, without you realize, when you starve yourself, increase your hunger and appetite for the meal to come.

5. Walk as much as possible!

If you use means of transport to get to work, down to the station sooner or climb with a station and walk later. In addition, you may want to look elevator if you need to get somewhere until the 5th floor. Climbing stairs, you consume 10 calories per minute and a 30 minute walk will help you lose 60 calories!

6. Dance for you!

Is it normal to not feel like dancing every day, but even on weekends, you can find a free hour in which to have fun with your family! Put your favorite music and exercise together! Practice movements of samba, salsa, disco, etc.. No matter what or how to dance but do matter. With a dance class can get rid of 450 calories! And even if you do not resist an hour, half an hour is as welcome!

7. Make cleaning!

It really is not fun to wash dishes every day, to give the vacuum cleaner to remove dust or ironing, but are activities that you can not escape no matter how much you procrastinate! So why do not any of this a source of good mood and help fight weight? Surely you succeed so do them with pleasure!

Was given 15 minutes to burn 50 calories vacuum plus, tone muscles shoulders, arms and buttocks.

And one time dusters and dishwashers consume 200 calories. Sounds good, does not it?

8. Laugh with lust!

Laughter not only help to eliminate stress but also calories! Recent studies have shown that 10-15 minutes of laughter can help you burn 40 calories. And that's not all: laugh storage limit calories, banish sadness and depression and is an exercise for the lungs, abdominal cavity and cardiovascular system!

9. Get enough sleep!

At night, the body needs sleep to be able to restore physical and mental energy, so the day to be able to operate at full potential. To succeed, it needs 7-10 hours of sleep. And you'll be able to sleep so much, if you manage your time as it should. You will be surprised by the results!

I bet you did not know that 8 hours of sleep can burn around 450 calories!

10. Use chronobiology!

Cronobiologiei principles, certain types of foods should be eaten at certain times of the day for the body to handle it right amount of calories.
Thus, in the morning you should eat fats, proteins and sugars slow (cheese, eggs, milk, meat, bread, cereals). If you're craving a cookie or chocolate, enjoy it until 11 o'clock.

At lunch, you need protein and fewer carbohydrates (vegetables, meat, salads).

Afternoon snack should contain fruit or compote.

Dinner should eat green vegetables, salads, fish and lean meats, yogurt, potatoes, rice and two slices of bread.

In the evening, have to say a firm NO sweets and foods containing fat!

11. Do not forget exercise easy!

Whenever you get a chance, morning or evening runs 20 minutes and do even light exercise. Try doing sets of squats, crunches and walk on a treadmill for your home improvised!

Remember that no diet and no desire to lose weight will not be effective unless they are accompanied by constant physical motion!
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Lose Weight easily and inexpensively: 2 glasses of water

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The cheapest and fastest way to lose weight is a glass of water, as the Daily Mail informs.

People who drink two glasses of water before each meal lost more weight than those that take into account the calories burned. While pills have the ability to absorb body fat, water simply fill your stomach and is also free of calories.

Researchers compared the weight loss of participants in the study for three months. After this period, people who drank water before meals had lost weight about six pounds, two pounds more than those who did not drink water.

"People should drink more water and eat less sugary juices.'s An effective way to keep weight under control," said Dr. Brenda Davy, from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Also, in a previous study has found that people who drink water before meals eat less with 75 to 90 calories.

However, the British Nutrition Foundation looks like soups, steaks, pasta and other foods high in water are best for maintaining weight than plain water.
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Three easy tips to lose weight

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1. Eat more in the morning and less at night

There are few people who skip breakfast. Whether they arose late and rushing to work or school or just enjoy a coffee and maybe a cigarette. During the day chewing something on the run or get a snack at lunch - that if they break for lunch. Of course the evening will be to indemnify and eat with increased appetite. Then he looked mournfully at Balance and thought he still did not eat all day who knows what.

True, but tonight metabolism is lowest. Usually after dinner followed by a period of relaxation, when the body no longer needs to convert food into energy consumed to be deposited as fat. Therefore, we recommend a hearty breakfast (eg, eggs, milk, meat, cereals) and how easy dinner (yogurt, fruit), taken before 7 o'clock, at least 3 hours before bedtime.

2. Exercise are essential

Paradoxically, sometimes you'll find that sports brought you a few extra pounds, and that because muscles weigh more than fat. However, physical exercise increase metabolism, consume a lot of calories. In addition, sculpt your body, your shape it is indispensable especially when it weakens much at once, otherwise leave skin begins to hang and you can have surprise that look worse than the first. Exercise increases muscle tone and most mentally active helps you feel full of energy and good vibes. They act beneficial to all body organs, thus making it healthier.

A recommendation

For the young and restless

No need to push from the start to sweat, hoping to get spectacular results after a day or two: in the best case you choose with muscle soreness. To be able to lose weight, exercise should be practiced regularly. Advice Astrology: slowly but surely.

For most elderly

The choice of exercises depends on how old you are, if you practiced any sport before, if you have health problems. You can start with walking outdoors, then marching, jogging, aerobics. Be sure to consult your doctor before making effort.

However, regardless of age, remember that you do not really need performance, it is important to move.

3. Food + tv = goodbye silhouette

There is something so exciting banal immediately comes to mind the image of a fat woman, square, cube that sits on television and gobble up sweets with plentifully. This figure, sometimes male version appears in many of his films and we laugh every time, sitting comfortably in a chair with a snack beforehand.

Watching TV eating is a very bad habit because you do not realize what and how you eat. Eyes on TV, eat large quantities of crackers, chips, popcorn, chocolate, ice cream, food without vitamins, high in calories. How to sit on a chair you do not need so much energy, the result is that you gain weight imperceptibly.

An irresistible pleasure

Only eat when you can taste the action film. See how your favorite heroes fight the bad guys, increase your adrenaline, you can not resist not to participate and then you get a double serving of fries.

What you can do

It would be frustrating to refuse you this pleasure. However, try to choose healthier foods with fewer calories, for example raw carrots, apples, grapes and other fruits.

One way to ward off boredom

Happen to not care about what you see on TV. However, because you did not wait for something better to do. Then eat something insipid programs to add salt and pepper. Or, worse, you feel like you get to work and eating is a pretext to lazy on the tv. So calm your conscience and you lie to yourself.

What you can do

In case you're bored on TV, no one forces you to stay there. If you do not work, find an occupation that you attract. For example, out for a walk or read a book. No need to wait for a plant, be active!
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Lose weight with Green Coffee

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If you are fond of coffee and do not know what sort of drink that can help you lose weight, you should know that scientists have discovered that roasted coffee beans can be a solution to fighting weight. So if you're involved in a weight loss process can take into account the transition from the normal to the green coffee to get faster effects.

Green beans
Green coffee beans are nothing more than coffee beans that were not ripe yet. Because of this, not roasted flavor and have a bitter taste. Green beans also contain caffeine and, unlike fried beans retains other properties that favor weakening. Thus, by combining the normal green coffee, you get the ability to grow weak body.

How It Works
In a study published in 2006, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine BioMed Central", the researchers showed that roasted coffee beans help a more efficient metabolism, which leads to burning fat and thus the weight loss effects. This happens because caffeine contained in green coffee beans destroy body fat deposits. In addition, the unroasted coffee chlorogenic acid helps the liver to process fat more efficiently. For this method to take effect on the process of losing weight, you may use a cup of coffee, before breakfast. Try, however, do not execes this coffee consumption, the desire to lose weight as much and as quickly. However, the recommended amount of coffee depends on the manufacturing company, so check out the directions on the package. Researchers also found that chlorogenic acid, containing green coffee, reduce blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity. In addition, help, besides unwanted weight loss and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Side effects
Although the greatest extent, the effects of green coffee has on the body are beneficial, there are risks in consumption. In addition, studies done on this type of treatment are not very detailed and requires a more thorough repeat them. Therefore, if you want to adopt such treatment in the weight loss, remember that is composed of caffeine, which can harm your body if you tolerate this substance. In addition, caffeine can increase the risk of heart disease and its consumption is almost forbidden in pregnant women
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Why choose women to lose weight? But men?

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A recent study conducted by Synovate in the United States and funded by Herbalife Ltd. eNation show that women and men not only have different strategies in dealing with weight loss, but have different reasons urge them to take action against extra pounds.

Research shows that 18% of women decide to adopt a diet if they gained weight 3 kg or less, while men adopt a diet unless you feel fit. If you want to lose weight, choosing a healthy diet women, while men are turning to strength training.

The main factor that motivates women to effort to lose weight is physical appearance - almost 40% of women want to lose weight because they do not like the look. Physical appearance is important for men, but more important for them is that they do not feel in shape, as indicated over 27% of American men enrolled in the study.

If women are motivated when they gained 3 kg in addition, men are starting to become concerned when their 10 pounds more. Both men and women who want to lose weight start to pay more attention to portion size of food consumed, but men ranks first exercise. On the other hand, women prefer to adopt a healthy diet, while men choose to eat less, but not necessarily healthier.

Experts say that women act in an appropriate manner, unlike the men, because it is easier to gradually weaken, but suddenly, especially when overweight is high. They also point out that to achieve lasting results need to be given equal importance of healthy eating and exercise.
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An American became Miss after he took off 50 pounds

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Her name is Bree Boyce and amazed the whole world with her ​​ambition to lose 50 pounds. At age 17 he weighed 106 kg and surprisingly weakened to reach American Miss South Carolina. For two years she did everything to make her dream come true.

At age 17, Bree Boyce weighed 106 kg and daily eat fast food, but the food has changed after she started to have health problems.

"My knee hurt and went immediately to the doctor. No more pain. I threw all the junk food, I joined a gym, I educate, I went to a nutritionist. I did everything I had to do, "said Bree.

A good story to be taken into account when you want to lose weight and look good. The world will never laugh at you but will look at you with eyes wide open. You must have ambition to succeed otherwise you leave and you get the same or worse.

Bree said she does not believe in dieting and not imposed drastic ways to have a healthy and beautiful body. American not help it if, for example, has a craving for chocolate, but it is important to maintain a balanced diet and do sports.

Winning the Miss, she has great chances to win and Miss America.
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Foods that protects our life

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Perhaps most of those reading this do not have money for all kinds of dietary supplements. Do not have. House each of us has at least some of the foods that your body needs. To offer them and strengthen, through this immunity and desire for life.

protects the heart
prevents constipation
stop diarrhea
improves lung capacity
protect / strengthen / reinforce joints
fight against cancer
control blood pressure
to protect
help against Alzheimer's disease
slows the aging process
aid digestion
reduces cholesterol
protects the heart
stabilizes blood sugar
protects against liver disease
fight against diabetes
reduces cholesterol
help prevent strokes
control blood pressure
softens the skin
protects the heart
relieves cough
strengthens bones
control blood pressure
stop diarrhea
prevents constipation
Helps hemorrhoids
reduces cholesterol
fight against cancer
stabilizes blood sugar
control blood pressure
fight against cancer
strengthens bones
protects the heart
helps weight loss
combat cancer
protects the heart
stabilizes blood sugar
supports memory
prevents constipation
strengthens bones
improves vision
fight against cancer
protects the heart
control blood pressure

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How to lose weight without doing sport and without giving the money!

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For those who do not have time to go to a gym or practicing different exercise, sports specialists have discovered a special method which can lose a few pounds in a short time. All without effort, no money spent, no stress. In addition, exercise can be practiced anywhere: at work, in the kitchen, even the bathroom.
Sit with your back against a wall so your heels, buttocks, the back of the head, touching the wall.

Draw air deep in the abdomen and stomach suck as much.
Attention, most tend to draw breath in the lungs. Must pull air into the belly, as if you breathe through your belly. When you can not draw air still suck belly up to the maximum interior. Keep the air for 2-3 seconds, then throw it out, suddenly, pushing to the maximum inner abdomen. Stop for 2-3 seconds, then breathe again until the abdomen is retiring at maximum interior.
Exercise to practice 4-5 times a day for 10 breaths.
During exercise you will feel like you get dizzy easily. Do not worry, it's normal. Oxygenate your body and brain gets its extra portion of oxygen. But do not overdo the number of breath, not you surprise a fall on the floor.
You also need to check each time that none of the dorsal part of the body was not asunder the wall, either during inspiration or during exhalation.
Increased attention to breathing. Do not be fooled by the air drawn into the abdomen. Once you can not draw air may be withdrawn little tummy. Forced that little!
Regular practice of this exercise, as recommended, will lead to a weight loss of 3-5 pounds in just 2 weeks.
Without making any effort to reduce food without. In addition, you do not need to go to the gym. And to be perfect, it's free!
Attention! Do not make exercise immediately after eating. Leave at least 1 to 1 ½ h after meals or at least ½ h if you eat a fruit or something.
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Unconventional diet - water

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Unconventional diets gaining popularity among those seeking solutions faster and more effective to lose excess pounds that have become a real health problem of our century. Diets "liquid" are the latest solutions that promise quick weight loss and diet water is the most famous of them, but also the cheapest and easiest to do.

Diet secret that water is simply curb appetite, ie eat less if you moisturize often. No calculations about calories and no glycemic index allowed only a few simple rules and easy to meet. And if we add a water-based diet reduces cellulite, constipation and prevents skin aging due to sudden weight loss, I believe I already convinced.

How does water diet recipe

High water consumption reduces appetite, but also leave no fat to store and can even reduce the layers so unsightly fat. The body retains water when not getting enough and stored outside the cells, but if you drink more water, the body eliminate toxins, blood circulation is improved and thus cells are hydrated and working properly.

Besides all that water is the liquid of life without which you can not live, and our body is dependent on water and not just to quench thirst, but also because it has an essential role in our metabolism "wash" the kidneys, helps dissolve minerals and their distribution in the body, and regulates body temperature lubricant.

How much water should you eat
Diet, water is available in several versions, but none requires enormous amounts of liquid in a small time interval, which is more than damaging our health, but all based on a few tricks that make water Our reliable ally.

The easiest diet recommends eating eight glasses of water to 200 ml of water per day, but on the first day drink only one glass, gradually increasing number of glasses, and after the eighth day their number decreases until it reaches a glass per day. Attention, water should not be cold and drink slowly in small sips. If you are not satisfied with the results and want to resume the cycle, you must wait at least a month to begin a new water cure.
More popular hot water diet is just as easy as the first. Daily drink a cup of warm water right after you wake up for a week. In the second week another cup before breakfast and throughout the day, you need to drink a glass before and after eating. Also drink water in small sips slowly, and this steady diet of hot water should not exceed more than two weeks, after which can be resumed after six months.

Disadvantages of water diet
Nutritionists say that these recipes to lose weight, water is actually a myth, those few pounds are lost because the liquids in large quantities fool the body distinguish between hunger and thirst harder and thus eat less. Experts say that a quantity of 2 liters / day is sufficient and warn that the body does not need too much water at once attacked. Such a cure in which exaggerated water consumption and longer than necessary, can have adverse effects of the worst:

Request too large, the kidneys can lead to hyperhydration;
-Dilute salt content in the blood, which affects brain activity, heart and muscles;
-Can occur even opposite effect: water retention.
-The fact that hunger is low can lead to starvation unconscious.
Some tips
Before starting a diet with water, doctors recommend you analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and if you decide to lose weight using this method, keep in mind some recommendations:
1. Comply with the three main meals and two snacks absolutely necessary;
2. Even if you must to keep in mind that food consumed in the diet with water that does not mean you can eat anything;
3. Squeeze half a lemon in water, accelerates digestion;
4. Do not drink water with meals, it dilutes the gastric juices and digestion does not occur;
5. Replace the water with unsweetened teas cherry tails, silk corn or green tea;
6. Give all the sweet carbonated beverages, various juices and coffee. They contain calories, caffeine, and a lot of unhealthy substances.
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You must drink plenty of water for a slim body!

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You must drink plenty of water! We know that water is the substance that keeps us alive, but did you know that we can and lose weight with water?

Water helps to cool down and helps eliminate toxins from the body. Doctors recommended amount of water (2 liters per day). For this reason, uncle, I decided to give you good news: water can help you lose weight! From now on, you're more motivated to drink the recommended amount of water, knowing that this will get rid of unwanted pounds and.

How much fluid should you drink daily?

Experts recommend adults a quantity of 2 liters / day. You can drink anything: water, unsweetened tea or fruit juice. This amount is recommended for people who want to maintain their health. If you want to lose weight with water, add 750 ml. the amount of liquid you need to consume daily. This way you will protect your metabolism and you will strengthen muscle while eliminating fat tissue.


When you go to Lucu take with you and a bottle of water. Instead of biscuits and chips they serve in office (as snacks between meals), choose to drink a glass of water;

If you think you can consume a large amount of water so, be strategic: drink a larger amount when you are really thirsty (morning, when you wake up after serving meals when you exercise). Do not forget to always have a bottle of water with you wherever you go;

Avoid consuming alcohol. Alcohol leads to dehydration of tissues and this Lucu can not bring any benefit health and your figure;

High amount of fluid intake will not affect your diet. Perhaps you tend to say that if you drink plenty of fluids, your body will retain water. Total fake! No fluid intake leads to water retention, but dehydration. So if you want to lose weight, drink plenty of fluids.

For more flavor, add slices of lemon, slices of apple or cucumber slices in water we consume daily. Or, you can mix water with a small amount of freshly squeezed fruit juice;

Other benefits of water

In addition, water helps to maintain youth and beauty. How? Well, high fluid intake helps skin to have a young, beautiful and moisturized. Furthermore, it was found that the water contains a high amount of negative ions and we will be consuming healthier and we feel much better.
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How much water should i drink to lose weight?

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Most times the answers to our questions are simpler than we imagined, but we complicate seeking solutions more difficult. Miracle potion you need to lose weight is water. Why? Know that water suppresses appetite and helps metabolize stored fat. How so? Well, the kidneys can not function properly without enough water intake. When they have too much work-impurity density is higher when the amount of water is reduced to a part of their functions are taken over by the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing stored fat and transform it into energy for the body. If the liver is forced to take over the functions of the kidney, then it can not function normally. Therefore, we metabolize less fat and the weight loss will be prevented. If you do not drink enough water a lot, then you retain water. When the body gets less water than it needs, when it perceives this as a threat, so you begin to make "deposits". Water will be stored in spaces outside cells causing swelling in the legs and arms. A short term solution is the diuretics, but they remove both water and some important nutrients. The body will be traumatized and will try to replace water lost quickly. The best way to combat and prevent water retention is to give your body enough water. Since that time, stored water will be slowly released. It is possible to retain water, because using too much salt. The more you add salt to food, the body will retain more water can dilute it. Water maintains muscle tone, because it enables muscle contraction. Water also helps prevent the appearance of skin "left" ugly effect of rapid weight decrease. Water helps the body get rid of waste. Water and fight against constipation. Remember that our body is made up of 60-70% water. Therefore, it can not function properly if you are dehydrated. You need a reason to drink water? Find that 75% of our brain is made up of water. For this reason, even makes sense to play with your health. Sugars and carbohydrates are processed more quickly than other nutrients. If you do not drink enough water a lot, you will not receive nutritional quality of food containing numerous lipid calories but you will have only owned them. If food is not digested normally when nutrient absorption is complete and the body will be asked to feed. They feel the food cravings are your body's way of occasionally draws attention to lack certain nutrients. Maybe your meals contain all the elements needed by the body, but if they are not properly processed, your body will reclaim its rights, and thou shalt crunch something. How much water do you need? On average, a person should drink about 8 glasses of water each day, or about 2 liters. However, fatter people should drink a glass of water for every 10 extra pounds on their overweight for their height and constitution. The amount of water ingested deposit must be increased and if increased exercise or if the weather is very warm. Water should be drunk cold, because it is absorbed faster than warm. There are studies showing that drinking cold water will burn calories. How to drink more water? Every time I go home, take with you a bottle of water. In addition, make sure you always have a glass of water on your desk. Are you dehydrated? An easy way to tell if you drink too little water is easy to pinch your hand and see if the skin recovers quickly or if traces remain. If you sign ciupiturii remains, then you need to increase the amount of water ingested. Water enemies caffeine based drinks (cola drinks, energy, coffee) dehydrate you. Some studies show that for every cup of coffee consumed, you should still drink water four to redress the balance.
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