
Lose weight with Green Coffee

If you are fond of coffee and do not know what sort of drink that can help you lose weight, you should know that scientists have discovered that roasted coffee beans can be a solution to fighting weight. So if you're involved in a weight loss process can take into account the transition from the normal to the green coffee to get faster effects.

Green beans
Green coffee beans are nothing more than coffee beans that were not ripe yet. Because of this, not roasted flavor and have a bitter taste. Green beans also contain caffeine and, unlike fried beans retains other properties that favor weakening. Thus, by combining the normal green coffee, you get the ability to grow weak body.

How It Works
In a study published in 2006, "Complementary and Alternative Medicine BioMed Central", the researchers showed that roasted coffee beans help a more efficient metabolism, which leads to burning fat and thus the weight loss effects. This happens because caffeine contained in green coffee beans destroy body fat deposits. In addition, the unroasted coffee chlorogenic acid helps the liver to process fat more efficiently. For this method to take effect on the process of losing weight, you may use a cup of coffee, before breakfast. Try, however, do not execes this coffee consumption, the desire to lose weight as much and as quickly. However, the recommended amount of coffee depends on the manufacturing company, so check out the directions on the package. Researchers also found that chlorogenic acid, containing green coffee, reduce blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity. In addition, help, besides unwanted weight loss and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Side effects
Although the greatest extent, the effects of green coffee has on the body are beneficial, there are risks in consumption. In addition, studies done on this type of treatment are not very detailed and requires a more thorough repeat them. Therefore, if you want to adopt such treatment in the weight loss, remember that is composed of caffeine, which can harm your body if you tolerate this substance. In addition, caffeine can increase the risk of heart disease and its consumption is almost forbidden in pregnant women

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