
Lose weight in 14 days without stress. Guaranteed by a famous nutritionist diet

Pounds, hips full, or simply a shape that does not satisfy you, just before going on holiday to the seaside? No need to panic. There is a 14 day miracle diet gives incredible results.

If it's been a while since you looked in the mirror and you notice that your hips are higher than they were last time, it's for a new diet to follow simple steps and you will get results in 14 days. One that guarantees results Fiona Kirk is an expert in nutrition. It has found the perfect recipe for a sculpted body like no starvation, exercise hard or sharp deductions regarding certain foods.

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Aware of the existence of a wide range of diets on the market, it found that 85% of women undergoing their diet "regain" weight taken down in less than three years after the termination regime. Therefore, his study has had the sample on the 15% of women who have maintained cessation silhouette with diet.

Fiona proposed diet is based on:

1. Calcium. Recommended foods are rich in calcium such as salmon, which contain healthy oils and fats. You can also eat tofu, broccoli, oatmeal, yogurt, almonds - all foods with high calcium content.

2. Omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids regulate blood sugar levels, which leads to reduced appetite. Foods rich in Omega 3 recommended to keep a diet are avocados, nuts and chickpeas.

3. Fermentable carbohydrates. Foods containing fermentable carbohydrates are rich in fiber and suppress hunger. Are recommended foods such as asparagus, artichokes, garlic.

Fiona gives some suggestions proposed to her diet:

1. Fruits should be eaten until 11:30 am-disordered digestion is the main enemy of a diet which involves meals just regulation.

2. Lunch is recommended vegetable soup (as indicated above) and a salad.

3. Avoid heavy carbs after 18:00, that if you do not exercise in the evening (potatoes, beans, rice).

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4. Eat at least three vegetables for dinner.

5. Allocate at least 30 minutes daily of physical exercised your time. Recommended morning when fats are burned easiest.

6. Drink water every two or three hours.

1 comentarii:

  1. The basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise.

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